will someone tach this idoi the meaning fo the word libel
K4YZ wrote:
an old friend wrote:
K4YZ wrote:Will Someone But This Idiot a Spellchecker or Current
Webster's Dictionary?
an old freind abused the English Language Yet Again:
more libel
More truth.
if abuse is occouring it is his
Every post to "alt.military.cap" is stalking and abuse.
it is a search for justice
yes you are lying
you contiue to lie robson notyou are like Wismen claiming all your foes
desire sex with you
And Morkie...YOU and Toiddie are the only one who's claimed to
have an overt interest in sex with men.
more of your lies
you hardly seem to know the meaning of the word
Agreeing with you is NOT claiming you are "wise", fatboy.
more libel
"Agreeing with you is not claiming you are "wise" is factual.
fat boy is libel
You're morbidly obese by all medical definitions.
more lies
More facts.
No Lies = No Libel.
but you are lying
OTOH if you think you are telling the truth then you admit you have no
legal case against me since to have one I would have had to injure you
in some fashion
that is how the game is played
Only your immature, childish mind thinks a "game" is being played,
you called it the Red Hatted Monkey game Maj
Who's Maj?
And I never called it a game, Morkie.
yes you did
you playing a game the game is called how much harasment can be gotten
away with
What harrassment, CrossPostingBoy?
your harrassment
you are the only one (besides your pawn Wismen) engaging in harrassment
I have upped the stakes obviously not enough but I look for another way
to jump the stakes till you come to your senses and stop posting libel
about me on the NET
In other words you have herein publically admitted that you are
looking for ways to further lie and deceive in order to promote your
you lied again
Thanks for the admission. I'll save it for a rainy day...Like the
NEXT time you try to e-mail someone in CAP about your claims of abuse
and libel.
no admission
you are obessed with the notion I want any contact with you
There's no obsession, Mork.
You keep initiating your own les and threats against me in this
public forum, ergo YOU are the obsessed one.
abolsutely no les about me
and no threats either
my name is Mark
OK, Mork.
more libel
yep libel
yu know that and choose to libel by calling me someting else
I call you "Mork" because you insist on acting like the fictional
TV alien...He arrives with a gross misunderstanding of the enviroment
around him, frequently misinterprets the words or actions of others,
then goes off on misguided antics in search of answers that any
English-competent 3rd grader already knows the answers to.
you call me mork to insult me
You act like Mork ergo you insult yourself.
more libel
and then you tell more lies about me
"...more lies.." suggests previous lies.
not merely suggests
There are no lies.
sure they are a legion of your lies
You lose.
I can't lose Robeson
Of course you can't lose Robeson, Mork.
right agred I can't lose
That's not what you wrote, fatboy.
yes it is what I wrote
yes it is what I wrote
YOU wrote "I can't lose Robeson"...
and I can't lose robeson
THAT sentence suggests that you are incapable of misplacing a
and it is certainly true even in that distorted context as you prove
Had you written "I can't lose, Robeson.", you would have been
telling somone named Robeson that you were incapable of losing.
I am incaaple of losing or of losing you it seems
short of murder of course
and I repeat I can't lose
You can't repeat it since that's not what you said in the first
sure I have siad manytime many ways
you lie again
Steve, K4YZ