I guess steve can't google
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August 20th 06, 11:51 PM posted to
Slow Code
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 4,113
I guess steve can't google - Mark, Just ignore them.
wrote in :
On 8 Aug 2006 23:29:48 -0700, "an old friend"
I never thought so much about my unit existed online But i refereces to
it at various stages of its long history It was a distinguisted unit
diactivated in 199 it seems I creul fate for them brings a tear to my
even found somebody I think I served with
Mark, Just ignore them.
They only tease you because of the stupid things you say when you
follow up. Just ignore them and they'll give up.
Stop giving them reasons to tease you. It only makes you look
more stupid.
Take a break from the radio groups for a while, Maybe work on your
moon bounce some more.
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Slow Code
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