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Old August 23rd 06, 01:14 PM posted to,,,,alt.military.cap
Not Cocksucker Lloyd Not Cocksucker Lloyd is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
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Default SMEGMA ONE STILL GOING STRONG Notice Robeson choice of titles

On 22 Aug 2006 14:52:29 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:

n9ogl made some silly rantings:
K4YZ wrote:
get help wrote:
On 22 Aug 2006 08:36:03 -0700, an old friend wrote:

now find a way to convining accuse Todd staion of somehow devilering
coded messages to Al Queda sleeper cell and you might have a chance at
geting an investagation

Nope. Riley is already ****ed off by the picture Todd posted at and he will be
glad to find any legitimate excuse to clobber Todd.

Todd does politically stupid things and then wonders why the bad stuff
always happens to him. Ask him about Walmart.

Toiddie's still confused and PO'ed at the FCC...Wonders why the
FCC didn't consider his applications for LPFM stations written in
crayon. And if that wasn't bad enough, now he's miffed that he can't
get any cooperation for FCC staffers after having used just about every
profanity and vulgarity in the book on them.


I don't think so Stebie...The letter I recieved from the FCC, provening
once again that you don't know ####

Thank-you for proving my point, Toiddie....

PROOF POSITIVE that you were TOO !@#$ STUPID to file an
application in a TIMELY and CORRECT MANNER!

why did you just lie?

You are the expert on lying, Markie.