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Old August 25th 06, 02:49 AM posted to
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Default If you had to use CW... would robesin still be an idiot?

From: on Wed, Aug 23 2006 7:58 pm

From: Cecil Moore on Wed, Aug 23 2006 6:38 am

Instead of using verbal communications, how
about a parable about how those Boy Scouts could have
chosen to use Morse Code?

Your question is unconnected to your first sentence.

How does one "use morse code" to save a drowning
child? Why would they do that if they were in close

Darn those Cell Phones! A cell phone was used to call paramedics, not
a code key.

Impossible according to the rabid morsemen. "ALL" infrastructure
(including cell phones) "FAIL" in emergencies! :-)

Yes, yes. I know. I don't know what to make of it.

Please tell us why it is SO important to be "correct"
on details of the Titanic disaster that happened 94
years ago?

I asked another in here who-what-why-where-when of
amateur radio saving any lives via morse code. That
hasn't been answered yet.

Nor will it be.

MYTHOLOGY cannot be argued logically. It is part of the lore,
the mystique promulgated by groups who think they are far
more than they really are.

The ARRL resells a few fictional novels by a single author
(a gal) whose subject is mainly "saving the day" with
amateur radio, several of which are supposed to feature
the "life-saving abilities" of morsemanship. I've never
read any, just read the ad copy for them on the ARRL
website. In the writing trade those are known as
"teen-age novels" and are for the under-adult age group.

I've read several of them to my son when he was younger. The first
books were written by a guy. He's passed on, and now in the same
style, they are written by a gal.

Some folks think those works of fiction are "real" and like
to cite them to those of us who know better. That and all
the other tales of the Olde Dayes when Kode was King and
all the "best" radio men pounded brass. That was long, long
ago when radio was new, something to communicate with that
did not exist before it came along.

I immensely enjoyed the works of fiction served up by W0EX (SK), and
K3LT, where the story was so contrived that ONLY cw could save the day.

Maybe you can supply the details?

Cecil can't. Cecil tried to appease the morse jihadists a while back
by joining in their rrap cw net. In the end, they still can't stand
his views on morse testing.

The RRAP morse jahidists MUST have THEIR way. They NEED
the elitist identification to prove they are "somebodies"
who are "better" than ordinary mortals through morsemanship.
They get very tiresome rather quickly.

I'm calling them the new "Al-Code-ah" since they might be
organized and beginning to terrorize amateurs with their
demands of code-testing-forever in the USA.

I've nothing against those who LIKE to use morse code and
find pleasure in that mode. I am totally against those who
DEMAND that ALL MUST test for morsemanship (at any speed)
just to get an amateur radio license. They are fixated on
their youth and times past, trying to delude themselves that
time has marched on and all of electronics technology has
changed many times over since They began.

It's quite remarkable viewing some of those olde-tymers
trying to tout their "I am the greatest" bragging, especially
so since I began in radio communications back before some of
them had yet to be born or at least before they became teen-
agers! These olde-tymers blabber on about the efficacy of
morsemanship long, long after ALL the other radio services
stopped using morse. For them time stood still...or they
refused to acknowledge the inexorable passage of time.

The "Al-Code-Ah" continue in their Jihad...

I'm curious what's really holding up the FCC on the issue.