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Old August 25th 06, 04:54 AM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2006
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Default If you had to use CW... would robesin still be an idiot?

From: on Thurs, Aug 24 2006 6:49 pm

From: on Wed, Aug 23 2006 7:58 pm
From: Cecil Moore on Wed, Aug 23 2006 6:38 am

Darn those Cell Phones! A cell phone was used to call paramedics, not
a code key.

Impossible according to the rabid morsemen. "ALL" infrastructure
(including cell phones) "FAIL" in emergencies! :-)

Yes, yes. I know. I don't know what to make of it.

The rabid morsemen are still in the 1950s when there was NO
"911" and certainly not cellular telephony. Even so, an
ordinary telephone could had called for help in the 1950s.

In the communications industry of today, the emphasis is
on WiFi and - still - cell phone technology. It's BIG
Business shown rather dramatically on rooftops and towers
all over the USA.

A couple years ago the US Census Bureau stated that one in
three Americans had a cell phone subscription. That's like
nearly 100 million of us...

The ARRL resells a few fictional novels by a single author
(a gal) whose subject is mainly "saving the day" with
amateur radio, several of which are supposed to feature
the "life-saving abilities" of morsemanship. I've never
read any, just read the ad copy for them on the ARRL
website. In the writing trade those are known as
"teen-age novels" and are for the under-adult age group.

I've read several of them to my son when he was younger. The first
books were written by a guy. He's passed on, and now in the same
style, they are written by a gal.

OK, that's cool. As long as the readers can understand that
a novel is a work of fiction, fine. There are still a few
chowderheads who think the film "Independence Day" was a
documentary! :-)

I immensely enjoyed the works of fiction served up by W0EX (SK), and
K3LT, where the story was so contrived that ONLY cw could save the day.

"Contrived?!?" :-) Whole-cloth BS I'd put it.

The "Al-Code-Ah" continue in their Jihad...

I'm curious what's really holding up the FCC on the issue.

So am I. It's nine months since the official close of
Comments on the NPRM.

Nine months? Gestation almost complete? "Birth" of an R&O
soon? :-)

I'll just put it down to the FCC very busy with lots and lots
of other things to attend to in DC. Amateur radio is small
stuff in the big scheme of things in all of radio. FCC prolly
has only one staffer working on the old NPRM and that one may
be time-sharing other work in progress.