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Old September 9th 06, 03:54 AM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2006
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Default trolling right along

From: on Thurs, Sep 7 2006 7:19 pm

On 7 Sep 2006 00:41:13 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:
an old freind wrote:

Stop lying about being misquoted "What it's like to lick my excrement
off of another man's genitals"sayth Robeson steve has been quoted

Does Mrs Brain know about your on-line behaviour?

Perhaps some snail mail is overdue.

more of YOUR stalking Robeson

and a threat to comit mail fraud it seems

Robesin suffers from "victimitus."

Seems to be endemic to morsemen. :-)

First he attacks with some incredibly sick accusations. In this
attack, he trips up and says something stupid, something perhaps
unintended, perhaps true, perhaps false. When that is exposed for what
it is, he runs up the victim flag.

You got it right, Brian. Robesin the fraud is "walking
wounded" from his "eighth 'hostile action'" forays.

Maybe we should "call the VA?" :-)

Now he wants to "tell" the women folk.... I guess they're supposed to
put us on bread and water rations, and withold marital relations
because Robesin says so....

That's so funny.

It's a tragic comedy in one long, tiresome ACT.

We know what Robesin is going to do even before he does. It's called a
"Profile." The rat is in a maze of his own making.

One thing different: His maze has NO doorways. He keeps
struggling, trying to get out, but can't climb the maze
walls. That's the problem with his HALO drop into the
maze...he didn't reconnoiter his drop zone beforehand.
Now he cries and cries about being stuck in his own maze...

I wonder if he "talked" to the women folk when running morale calls on
NMC MARS from Okinawa? "Saw you husband at the hitchin post talking to
one of the bar girls the other night..." or "Your husband was making
fun of me making fun of other people..."

Sounds just like him on RRAP.

Robesin is a MORSEMAN. He can make fun of others but goes
berserk when he gets "return fire?" Him poor "victim."
So sad. Behavior fully condoned by other morsemen in here.

Sigh...all that BLUFFING by the Last Action Hero. All he
needs to do is present something to document 18 years of
his life in the corpse. He's never done that. All we've
gotten is the "call the VA" shout.

The VA won't tell, can't tell everything to just anyone.
Regulations are clear that only kin or a legitimate
agency can get such information...and the VA would get it
from NARA, the National Archives and Records Agency...which
is accessible over the Internet and even has forms and
instructions for kin to get their relations' information.
