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Old September 23rd 06, 09:40 PM posted to
Noon-Air Noon-Air is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 60
Default An Insult To One's Deceased Mother? Look to KB9RQZ For That Kind Of "Response"

Please quit cross posting this crap

BTW.... Welcome to my killfile


"nospam" wrote in message
You are the one that posted about my dead mother. I am getting close
to finding out who you are. Its not KB9RQZ. You are using his name and
call. I have paid a someone to help me find out who you are. You
crossed the line when you made the comment about my dead mother. You
think this is a joke what you are doing on here. I'm not going to make
any threats here but we will meet some day. Keep posting

On 23 Sep 2006 06:29:20 -0700, wrote:

nospam wrote:
On Fri, 22 Sep 2006 17:31:27 -0700, "Al Lorona"

Al, these guys don't care what we think. You should of read what they
said about my dead mother. I'm doing some research right now as who
said that and I am so sick of this I am ready to go on a road trip. He
doesn't realize that I am a disgrunted postal worker. Shouldn't of
said that about my dead mother!

KB9RQZ (Mark 'Morkie Moron' Morgan) feels right at home absuing the
memory of my deceased daughter in order to try and gain "messaging
leverage"...I have no doubt that he's your culprit.

Why does Morkie keep insisting that I am "lying" when all I am
doing is quoting HIM verbatim?

I'm not.

Here's YOUR words AGAIN, Morkie:

Message-ID: .com

KB9RQZ Said: "oh learning code is easy"

There you have it, folks! Morkie says learning code is easy!

Quoted Word For Word!

Steve, K4YZ