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Old September 24th 06, 05:36 PM posted to
an_old_friend an_old_friend is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
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Default show-na-to-va (that is the greeting for this time of year as a JEW rendered phonicticaly)

On 16 Jul 2006 23:57:00 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:

Cecil Moore wrote:
Al Klein wrote:
... laziness promotes not learning.

Some German General went on the record as preferring
his officers to be *intelligent and lazy*. He said the most
dangerous officers are the ambitious and stupid ones.
Now if I could just remember his name.

Welcome back, Cecil.

I think it was Herr Reichskindmolestor Morkie Von Aintgottaclue.

But that's just a guess.

Why does Morkie keep insisting that I am "lying" when all I am
doing is quoting HIM verbatim?

becuase you are lying

you always lie

show-na-to-va (that is the greeting for this time of year as a JEW
rendered phonicticaly)
happy new years it means and it can be better one if Wismen Robson and
SC a few just decided to not to be as hateful