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Old September 30th 06, 03:05 AM posted to,
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,554
Default FALSE! RRAP was sure peaceful while KB9RQZ was away.

Arf! Arf! wrote:
"Slow Code" wrote in message
wrote in

K4YZ wrote:

Slow Code wrote:


Slow, what do you call peaceful? ...Other people's unwillingness to
sling excrement back at Robesin? That's not peace.

Robesin finally meets his match in Mark, and now you claim it used to
be peaceful? I'm not buying any of that. You simply couldn't be more

Why do you have to follow up to every post? When you do they just
laugh at you and keep teasing your dyslexic retard ass. Contribute
something useful to RRAP, Don't be it's laughing stock.


Ditto Robesin.

Steve has a brain. Markie has a brain, but it doesn't work. Every time
Steve or anyone else says something, Markie the parrot does a follow-up
crap job on it. If Mark had something other than a mis-spelled five word
phrase, maybe Steve wouldn't tease, but I haven't seen Mark get anything
out right yet.


Mark is, if nothing else, shameless. I understand fully why Dave Heil
referred to Mark as the group "Myna Bird". For whatever it is that compels
Mark to post sometimes hundreds of posts per diem, it is obvious that Mark
is a total stranger to self-control.


What kind of idiot posts about the taste of his own excrement from
another guy's lap?

Like a Myna Bird, Mark feels as if he
MUST squawk and comment often to each and every post he sees. He squawks
that he is defending himself when, in reality, he is the major cause of most
of the angst on RRAP. No wonder many in RRAP and elsewhere killfile him.

An apology is all it takes, but they seem to be in short supply.

Yes, it WAS peaceful during Mark's hiatus. He should go away more often.

No, it wasn't. Robesin was busy accusing others of homosexuality and
pedophilia. That is not peace.