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Old November 8th 06, 10:17 PM posted to
Highland Ham Highland Ham is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 250
Default Super Glue doesn't work any more

Al Lorona wrote:
Has anybody noticed that Super Glue (cyanoacrylate clear liquid glue) just
doesn't seem to work any more? I remember when it first came out that it
used to bond anything and everything. Lately, seems that I can't even fix my
son's toys with it any more.

Latest failu Just tried to glue a small 12V DC fan for a PA with it and
the bond came apart the next day pretty much by itself.

Super glue (cyano-acrylate) works on the basis of 'exclusion of oxygen'
at the joint ,hence it can often be used effectively for rejoining
broken crockery.

With plastic the break surface is often less 'crisp' especially when
interfered with by tools /sandpaper. Hence an expoxy type of glue is
then more appropriate .

Some plastics can be jointed by hot glue dispensed by a hot melt gun
provided it is done carefully and there is a reasonably large jointing

Polystyrene can be best (re)jointed with polystyrene glue as used for
model making , or acetone (nail polish remover) when the material at
the joint is dissolved locally by the acetone (a solvent).

Frank GM0CSZ / KN6WH