November 19th 06, 02:22 AM
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external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,554
I don't know why I keep posting to people that hate ham radio.
Slow Code wrote:
wrote in
Quality Code wrote:
wrote in
Slow Code wrote:
I don't know why you post at all?
or maybe that should be: hate quality & skill in ham radio.
You're highly skilled in hate quality.
Quality is my name.
Hate is your game.
No, No, No. I'm full of love.
You're full of excrement.
If I didn't care for you people I wouldn't
post help tips to inspire you all to be better radio amateurs and assets
to our radio service. I'm here to lead and guide everyone to a higher
level Ham-dom.
You worship a false god. Some day you'll want a glass of ice water.
Now, many of you are like alcoholics and until you realize you all need
help, you're not going to let me help you. But that's OK, I don't mind
pointing out everyone's faults & deficiencies. It's actually quite fun.
You're only pointing out what an intolerant little man you are.
It's like watching cockroaches scurry from the light.
Lots of love back at you.