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Old November 19th 06, 02:57 AM posted to,,
[email protected] N2EY@AOL.COM is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 877
Default I don't know why I keep posting to people that hate ham radio.

Slow Code wrote:

I'm full of love.

Well, full of *something*.

I guess self-love qualifies as love, anyway.

If I didn't care for you people I wouldn't
post help tips to inspire you all to be better radio amateurs and assets
to our radio service.

Has *anyone* been inspired to use your "tips"?

I'm here to lead and guide everyone to a higher
level Ham-dom.

The best way is by example. What example can you show us?

Now, many of you are like alcoholics and until you realize you all need
help, you're not going to let me help you. But that's OK, I don't mind
pointing out everyone's faults & deficiencies. It's actually quite fun.

Everyone including you?