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Old December 26th 06, 12:33 AM posted to
K4YZ K4YZ is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 447
Default KB9RQZ Says Learning Code is EASY!

On 12 Jul 2006 01:16:19 -0700, "K4YZ" wrote:
an old friend wrote:
#### or get off the pot Maj

Who's Maj?



What pot is he allegedly on?

you are theone on about #### steve

You're the one who keeps discussing excrement, Morkie.

We KNOW what kind of pot YOU are on!

none at all

Yet another blatant lie.

More Morkie Mularkie

Why does Morkie keep insisting that I am "lying" when all I am
doing is quoting HIM verbatim?

I'm not.

Here's YOUR words AGAIN, Morkie:

Message-ID: .com

KB9RQZ Said: "oh learning code is easy"

There you have it, folks! Morkie says learning code is easy!

Quoted Word For Word!

Steve, K4YZ