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Old January 3rd 07, 06:32 AM posted to
Dave Heil Dave Heil is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 750
Default No More Element 1

Dave Heil wrote:
on Tues, Dec 19 2006 6:30 pm
on Sun, Dec 17 2006 3:22 pm
an_old_friend wrote:
Jim Hampton wrote:
Perhaps now we can discuss N2EY's proposal for a No-Test service.
There was never any such proposal. You are mistaken, in error, and just
plain wrong.
sure there is you have often said
Jim/N2EY was the very first to roll that one out, at least that I am
aware of.
I am not in favor of a "No-Test" amateur radio service. Nor have I ever
advocated such.
Anyone who says I have is mistaken - in error - just plain wrong.
So when you trotted that one out way back when, it really was a
strawman as I described it then. Yet you said it wasn't.
Brian, we have to quit trying to make
admit to doing
What "doing wrong" do you mean, Len?

Brian Burke says I came up with a proposal for a "No-Test" amateur
radio service. Yet nobody seems to be able to show us that alleged
Brian and Len and Mark aren't the only ones who recall that you came up
with the idea.
Yet *none* of you have actually shown the posting where I allegedly did
Anyone can go into google and delete one of their own postings.
Perhaps - if the person has a google account. But I have not done that.
Of course not.

Then why are you trying to suggest that he has? Why did you come right
out and state that I'd done so?

I'm being manipulated by some unknown, evil force.

Ahh. I see.

All my old rrap postings are intact in the archives.
Of course.

Then why are you trying to suggest that he has? Why did you come right
out and state that I'd done so?

I'm being manipulated by some unknown, evil force.

I think he's pretty well known by now.

And a person cannot delete the postings of another.
Didn't say they could.

So if A post
something, and A is quoted by B, the quote will still show up in B's
posting even if A deletes his post.
And if B deletes his post? Would that be a conspiracy?

This is getting interesting. If "A" states something that you believe
could be mined as a juicy nugget and "B", a person at odds with the
statement of "A", replies, you think "A" could convince "B" to cancel
his post? That sounds preposterous. There aren't many conspiracies in
which two parties with completely opposite views agree to conspire, are

Are those the conditions of the conspiracy? Perhaps David Heil
responded to the initial no-test proposal...

....and you don't believe that any NCTA would respond to such a
statement? If any NCTA responded, he'd conspire to delete his own post
so that no such record would remain? How very, very odd.

why I can't find the posting of Dave Heil/K8MN saying that Veteran's
always have their hands out.
How can you be sure?

Perhaps you did not correctly remember what was actually written.

Your memory of postings here has been proved to be selective and
Ditto your remembrance of what valuable contributions the Amateur
Service made during WWII when the Amateur Service was shut down and you
weren't born yet.

I don't recall that Jim claimed such as his memories. He stated
historical fact.

Wow! Another delusional amateur.

I don't think you're delusional. I just think you're mistaken.

For example, recently you made some significant mistakes
in your account of FDR's treatment of veterans during the Great
I wasn't alive then, how could I remember it?

Who said that you'd remember it? Did you ever take a history class?
Did you ever do any independent research on a subject?

Yes, of course. That doesn't mean that I lived it.

No, it seldom does. If you lived it, you might have gotten a really
good grade. In taking such a course, you might have retained some of
the facts, like who was President of the United States at the time of
the Bonus Marchers. Do you remember learning the name of the officer
charged with breaking things up?

Shall I repost those mistakes of yours and the corrections?

Why not just repost your statements of a no-test amateur radio service.

You're beginning to act in a very peculiar manner, Brian.

Who is Brian?

See what I mean? That's very peculiar.

That's because you are mistaken.
Four people are mistaken.
That is correct. The truth is the truth, regardless of how many deny
Yep. Four people are mistaken.

It would appear so. You've failed to come up with an archived post
which states what you claim. You've not been able to come up with any
replies to such a post, quoting Jim's words. Is there a conspiracy
between Jim and those who would be at odds with such a post to erase all
evidence that the post was ever made?

Is there?

I asked you.

People sometimes "remember" things that did not happen.

Four people "remember" things which did not happen.

Yep. You're one of them. Deal with it.
That is correct. Four people remember things which did not happen.

Where is the evidence that the "things" took place?

As you can see, there is nonet. Except that four people remember it.

Maybe your memories were changed during your visit to the mother ship.

Bogart never says "Play it again, Sam" in "Casablanca", yet that
misquote became so popular that it became the title of another film.
If you could *show* where I supposedly came up with - originated - a
proposal for a no-test amateur service, you might be able to prove *me*
to be mistaken.

But so far you've not been able to do that, even though all my posts
are in Google, waiting for you.

Sure they are.

Yes, they are.

You're one obstinate character, Brian.

Who is Brian?

Some character with an old chip on his shoulder.

That's because you are mistaken. Or maybe even trying to deceive.

Four people are mistaken.

At least that many.
If more than four are mistaken, how many do you predict?

This is your charade, Brian. Why don't you do the predictions?

I've maintained that only four people are mistaken, you say more. How
many more?

You're mistaken about that too. I didn't say there were more, you did.

Dave K8MN