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Old January 4th 07, 11:41 AM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,554
Default No More Element 1


I wish they'd all leave. :-)

I just wish they'd behave.

"Behave" might be asking just too much. :-)

We'll all find out the effective date of FCC 07-178 after Tuesday.
The "fat lady" is coming to the microphone, music ready, the
orchestra warming up and soon she'll sing. It's almost a
Wagnerian Opera setting! :-)

Except there will be hecklers shouting STFU at the fat lady (borrowed
from a babs streisand concert) .

Heck yes, that's a given...with or without Streisand. :-)

What can you expect from the suddenly-deprived-of-federal-welfare-
emotional-food-stamps? They be HUNGRY and can no longer
crow about their being the top of the food chain in the ARS.

Would be nice if they could go and eat that crow instead.

[don't expect that, either...]

I'm sure that many of them are fair-minded about it. A few won't be.

Sort of like Wagner's accident on the ladder when he hollered
"Gotterdammerung!" after slipping...


I was trimming limbs from a pin oak back in Illinois. A fairly large
branch swung down, still "hinged" to the tree, and knocked the ladder
right out from under me. I guess Waggs and I have something in common?

Might be. However, "Gotterdammerbranch" doesn't quite have a
ring to it. :-)

I hope you survived... :-)


For the most part.