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Old January 20th 07, 04:51 AM posted to
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Default People who aren't on RRAP

From: Dave Heil on Fri, Jan 19 2007 4:26 pm


It's been the style of the morsemen on this newsgroup...

There's no such thing as "morsemen", Len.

Then YOU "don't exist" morseman Heil. :-) belittle, denigrate, enage in prissy little pedantic diatribes...

It is amazing that those very words fit your own style, Leonard.

Awwww...feeling snarly again, Colonel Klunk? :-)

Oh, my, you still can't lose your arrogant sneering,
can you?

Maybe you dislike being a little red-hatted monkey
dancing for organ grinder Miccolis? You want to
"grind his organ," do you? :-)

words that do not fit in the code-tested amateur extra
"expertise" opinions on What Is Good For [US] Amateur Radio.

You have lots of opinions on what is good for amateur radio.

No, Herr Robust, I've been advocating subjects
concerning GETTING INTO US amateur radio. GETTING
INTO. As in the TESTS necessary for GETTING INTO it.

That change of law (regulations) is about to be
realized about the middle of next week (if we can
believe the 'insiders' at the ARRL - Chris Imlay
and his partners/staff probably).

You've never in your life had an amateur radio license.

RIIIIIGHT!!! My, my, aren't you so schmardtt!

Must have taken your poor little 16 synapses
all day to calculate that!

Oh, but were BORN with an amateur radio
license? Don't tell us you did the "USAF thing"
and "never went to school" on that?

Last I looked, absolutely NOBODY was born with a
ham radio license. Everyone who has an amateur
radio license NEVER HAD ONE IN THEIR LIFE before
the were granted one! Really.

Funny thing, Herr Robust Oberst, but NOBODY AT THE
Those are the folks who grant ham licenses, remember?
Those are the folks who decide the law on US amateur

Sunnuvagun! Ain't that somethin' tho?

Herr Oberst, did you think that *I* "swung" the FCC
into their decision on 06-178? I don't think so.
Half of the document containing FCC 06-178 is devoted
to nothing but names of those who commented on the
NPRM. Not all of those had ham licenses...or even
amateur radio licenses! Really!

You see, it's one of the really neat things about
American government and the RIGHTS of citizens...we
can ALL comment to our government. Really. It's a
guarantee of our Constitution. Really.

Now, Herr Robust, you LOSE that threadbare Waffen
SS uniform and the silly monocle. Your tuff guy
act is trite, old, and out of place. Don't try to
intimidate anyone with your bluster and bluff. It
may work on teen-agers but not with us adults. We
see through your pathetic little attempts at mind
games. Those just don't work. Get a new
imitating a human being...then others wouldn't think
you were such a prick.

FCC 06-178 has been decided. The code test will be
GONE. Your "operator expertise" schtick is going to
be broken. All you will be able to do is cry in your
pablum and prune juice about "your" good old days
when "you were tall dog in the pound" with your "CW"
skills and your amateur Titles.

Fork you and the hearse you rode in on...