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Old February 18th 07, 01:33 AM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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Default Residence vs. Mailing Address

From: on Fri, Feb 16 2007 9:27 pm

On Feb 16, 7:50 pm, " wrote:
On Feb 16, 2:49?pm, wrote:
On Feb 16, 3:55?pm, " wrote:

After all, the FCC did accept and process the vanity call
applications, and did issue the callsigns. Perhaps it was
simply a misunderstanding of the intent of the rules,
rather than the letter of the law.

Sweetums, you are indeed NAIVE. "Misunderstanding
the intent of the rules" is total bull**** on your part.
Deignan saw what others were already doing and wanted
a piece of the action, plus getting a spiffy Hawaiian call
in the same process. He took advantage that few would
notice it in Gettysburg (they didn't) and bingo, there was
the spiffy "vanity call" denoting the state of Hawaii!

Jim will wail and cry about Haliburton giving a service in the most
dangerous part of the world and expecting to be paid a high price for
it. But if another Extra wants a bunch of "club" calls and gloms a
KH6 personal call, then he rightly deserves them and is ENTITLED

Abso-huckin-lutely...IF that extra has taken a code test.

You never saw all the "club call" listings
Must not have (you turn a blind eye on many things).

Jim has never been to the AH0A site. Hi!

Pfaugh...but he "knows" about one small section of L.A.
real estate...NOT.

FCC has issued some vanity callsigns that some consider
inappropriate for the amateur radio service. Those callsigns
would not normally be issued in sequence, so the FCC is
aware of the controversy, yet they issued those callsigns
when requested through the vanity program.

Go and admonish some yokel who thinks you are some
kind of ancient guru-figure official. We regulars know

Kim's callsign was just a diversion, unrelated to fraud. all the manly men in here...

Besides - all that stuff about the club calls is more than six
years old.

Tsk, tsk! That's one year NEWER than your many-times-
repeated "boast of mine" about getting "an extra out-of-the-

Selective ham years.

Selective ANYTHING to Cranky...if he can possibly find some
imagined moral-ethical "defect" in another who disagrees
with him.

Why are you living in the past? asks the ancient guru of hamme raddio expounding on
"Bandplans of 1940" inwww.eham.netAS IF they ever applied
to His life experience.

Jim is the reincarnation of Hiram.

Let's all chip in for a nice bouquet of carnations for him.

Copies of them "re-carnations."

Is it because the
person who held all those calls was and is an advocate of
complete Morse Code test elimination?

Total bull****, ancient guru. Deignan was always out for Deignan.

That's a fact, Jack!

He's an O. J. Snipeson showing "the glove don't fit."

Yeah, he passed an extra test at one time in the past. He got
an extra call. But...the ex-captain of the "Effluvia" WANTED
MORE. So, with the aid of a buddie in Hawaii, he conspires to
get a spiffy HAWAIIAN call (the "KH6" prefix) that would NOT
be issued to a (then) Rhode Island resident. Not only that, he
dreamed up a dozen FAKE "clubs" and got callsigns for them,

But he's an Extra. RHIP.

Of course...they "deserve" to do anything they want...

Why don't you go back to your private little corner of OLDE TYMES
and memorize all the OLD rules so you can play the ancient guru
"authority" on times long gone? Or go get laid. [have you lost
your virginity yet?]

Yikes! Jim's sexuality or lack thereof has no place in RRAP.

Okay, so he's got a lot of "lack thereof." His problem.
But, the problem manifests itself with his actions in

Better yet, why don't you arrange a 'sked' with K4YZ on "CW."
Then you can slap him directly over your very own raddio instead
of pretending to be a tuff guy in here?

You must have seen the awesome "Who's Morky?" remark.

Jim stood toe to toe with the Robesinner and didn't blink (Tom Petty
playing "Won't Back Down" in the background).

Sure...sure...meanwhile I'll get Kyle Petty to zoom it up
close to both of them...VERY close.

Red flag...debris on the track...

Geez...all this "interesting" discussion of an OJ-wannabe. Kind
of as enjoyable as watching my hard disk defrag.

Daytona tomorrow. Much, much better.