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Old March 5th 07, 12:03 AM posted to
Dee Flint Dee Flint is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 618
Default A "Codeless Revolution?"

wrote in message
On Mar 4, 11:51 am, "Dee Flint" wrote:
wrote in message

On Mar 4, 10:09 am, "Dee Flint" wrote:


All of amateur radio is fine for the casual operator.

Ok then, let's do the same as some typical European countries. Only one
license class and every one takes the equivalent of the Extra class
exam. Prior to the no code change, they did not have entry level
All licenses took the same written (basically equivalent to our Extra
written) and those who passed code got everything while those who didn't
were VHF/UHF only. When the code was dropped, they folded the two groups
into one. No need to haul out the many variations that existed. While
countries did have an entry license with a simpler written there were
who didn't. In some countries, you had to take formal classes and you
not allowed to take the test if you had just studied on your own.

Dee, N8UZE

So when the European countries were dropping the code you didn't want
to be like the European countries. But now you want to be like the
European countries? Dee, make up your mind.

You read into conclusions that are not there. I did not say anything about
wanting to be like the European countries. I was pointing out the fallacy
of trying to make our system match the European approach. If you get your
wish of a single license class, the FCC may choose to go that route. It's
more of a cautionary note, the "be careful what you wish for sort of thing."

Personally I think two or three license classes is appropriate and have
thought so since I became involved in amateur radio.

Dee, N8UZE