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Old March 20th 07, 06:42 PM posted to
Gene Fuller Gene Fuller is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 342
Default Revisiting the Power Explanation

Cecil Moore wrote:

Some would say that if "reflected power does not cause heating
of the amp", that proves that there is no power (or energy) in
the reflected waves. Those people obviously don't understand
the role of destructive and constructive interference during
the EM wave superposition process.


What reflected waves?

An equally valid description in steady state, after all the transients
have died out, includes a standing wave containing the stored energy in
the line plus a forward traveling wave carrying the energy that does
make it through the load end of the line.

No need to account for any mythical power in the reflected waves.

This description matches your quotes from Hecht and from Ramo and
Whinnery that I attached a few days ago.
