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Old March 24th 07, 03:35 PM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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Default ARRL's "Diamond Terrace" Memorial

On Mar 22, 9:10 pm, "AF6AY" wrote:
On Mar 22, 3:04?pm, wrote:

On Mar 22, 11:05 am, "David Stinson" wrote:

ARRL's "Diamond Terrace" Memorial

I do NOT understand this "fad" of placing bricks on the GROUND
to memorialize someone. ?I am not about to memorialize anyone
about whom I care or whom I respect by placing their name on
the ground where thoughtless people wipe dog-poop off their shoes
and spit their gum. ?I don't know who first thought of this fad
(and Lord, I hope it's a "passing fad"),
but it's a bad idea and I would never, ever do it.
Build a wall with the bricks, or anything else
other than a "walk on you daddy" place.
73 David S.

Could be like a Vietnam Vets memorial - in black and below ground
level. is supposed to be a "playground" according to N2EY. [see
RRAM recent post] :-(

I try not to read too much of him. It's bad ju-ju.

Actually, it is just a small money-income-producing scheme by
MY amateur radio organization (I joined) disguised as a "memorial."
NOT a good choice in my opinion.

I side with David Stinson: Make it a WALL, something that is
upright, something one can be eye-to-eye with. NOT something
to look down upon or to walk over.

But, putting callsigns on the bricks? Some of those callsigns are
(and have been) reassigned to later, living radio amateurs by the
FCC. What then? As time progresses more of that will happen
and all amateur radio license grantees do NOT "own their calls."

Mike Deignan will attest to that.

Someone at the ARRL (perhaps a cardinal in the Church of
St. Hiram?) got delusions of grandeur when trying to gen up
some extra cash inflow. They should have thought SERIOUSLY
about it beforehand.

I realize that every organizations needs cash-flow to operate, but
maybe callsign police badges would be a better way to go.

What's going to happen when the ARRL decides to remodel and the bricks
end up at the landfill?

"LIke" the Vietnam Memorial in DC? Good Lord!

"Like" as in -rejected- by many who served. But it's all they've got,
so now some embrace it.

Amateur radio
is NOT MILITARY SERVICE and NO ham has to put their LIFE
into defending the Constitution of the ARRL! :-(

73, Len ex-RA16408336

Jim served in other ways... No?