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Old April 8th 07, 05:28 PM posted to
Steve Steve is offline
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On Apr 8, 10:30 am, "David Eduardo" wrote:
"dxAce" wrote in message


David Eduardo wrote:

"dxAce" wrote in message

just like you PROVE he ever said he wanted to be a Canadian.

Here's his quote, you go look it up, you f00kin dumbass: "I kinda' wish
had been born in

You shure don't get literary devices, do you?

Toronto is one of the world's nicest cities, and Montreal is high on my
list, too. Saying I would love to live there does not make me any more
Canadian than loving the city of light makes me want to be French.

But you didn't state that you would love to live there, CS Boy, what you
was "I kinda' wish I had been BORN in Toronto..."

Now run along and obfuscate elsewhere, remittance man.

"I kinda' wish I had been born in Toronto" simply means that the city is
friendly, diverse, beautiful, a cultural center, etc.

No, his statement means he wishes he had been born in Toronto. He may
also believe that Toronto is friendly, diverse, etc., but that is
purely incidental and does nothing to change the conventional meanings
of words.

I could say the same
thing about San Francisco, London, Paris, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong
and another half-dozen cities in the world I love.

Yes, I suppose you could, but in that case you would be saying
something other than what the earlier speaker said.

Since you can not change your birthplace, anyone with the ability to think
would understand that the statement is a compliment, an expression of
admiration, and nothing more.

You can't change your ethnicity, either.

You sure read things literally even when there
is NO WAY to take them literally.

You appear to take them figuratively because you lack the discipline
to respect their literal meanings.