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Old May 3rd 07, 09:43 PM posted to
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2007
Posts: 3
Default Beginner antenna question

While reading about antennas, I've been unable to find
answers to what I thought would be basic questions.
Most of what I've read seems to concentrate on narrow-
bandwith antennas, and even at that seems to concentrate
on what happens when lengths become shorter and ignores
the effects of longer lengths (for definitions of 'longer'
meaning 'much longer, as in many wavelengths longer).
The question is how various low-band antenna types
will perform at higher bands. For example, if I were
to run a wire around my property (about 300 x 500 feet),
giving me about 1600' of antenna length, I could run it
as a folded random wire (fed from one end), a loop (fed
from a corner or the middle of one side), or as a dipole
(if fed like the loop but cut on the oposite side).
What are the performance differences between the
three configurations, and is there a upper frequency
limit for practical use of them? For example, would it
work on say 2m or 70cm, where the antenna would be
hundreds of wavelengths long?

Thanks for any insight,