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Old June 2nd 07, 02:31 PM posted to
He'sDoneItAgain He'sDoneItAgain is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Nov 2006
Posts: 13
Default Help finding Madeleine McCann - 4 years old

Michael A. Terrell wrote:
He'sDoneItAgain wrote:
ian field wrote:

She probably isn't still in Portugal, she could be anyplace by now
- can you guarantee the US isn't where she's been taken?

Michael A. Terrell wrote:

Don't you think that any airport, port or train station in the area
is on the lookout for her? How would she have made it to the US?

You ask "How would she have made it to the US?"

So, you think that a four year old child can buy a ticket for an
international flight, and flies by herself to the US? A child that
young has to travel with an escort, and unless she was unconscious you'd
think she would be screaming her head off that she had been kidnapped.
Enough of any medication to make her sleep, yet not kill her would wear
off on a long international flight, long before the plane landed.

Well, Duh, who says they have to give it to her at the *beginning* of
the flight? They wouldn't give it to her a half hour (or whatever)
before landing? Or at the beginning and then at the end?

Uh, maybe the same way the TB guy got into the country--right past those
ace border guards. :-(

Are you really that dense? There was no procedure in place for
reporting him,

Or are *you* that dense? No procedures in place? Bzzzzt... Wrong!

His name and passport number *was* in the border patrol computer. It
*came up* when they scanned his passport at the point of entry. The
border guard saw it on his computer. So, yes, there WAS a "procedure in

However, the problem was that even though the "procedure" flagged the
guy, the border guard decided "he didn't look sick" so let him go
through. Gee, I didn't realize border guards were required to have a
medical degree ( or that you could tell if someone was sick just by
looking at them).

Billions spent on Homeland "Security" and it still boils down to the
rocket scientist manning the gate... :-(