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Old August 8th 07, 04:38 AM posted to
KU2S KU2S is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2007
Posts: 5
Default Average level of emotional maturity here

As I read these posts, I wonder just how old you people really
are. I haven't seen such name-calling and chest-thumping since I
graduated from High School back in the 70's. I've been monitoring
this newsgroup for a couple of years now, and all I can recall seeing
is one post after another comprising of nothing more than personal
attacks and filthy language. It's not just here, but also in several
other Ham and CB related newsgroups. Damn, people.. the purpose of
Amateur radio and CB radio is to communicate. All you folks seem
interested in doing is instigating...

Raymond Sirois - KU2S
10-10 #70270