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Old August 24th 07, 03:51 PM posted to
Michael Coslo Michael Coslo is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 828
Default vertical with semicircle of radials

R.K. AJ4BF wrote:
What is the effect of having a semi-circle of radials beneath a
vertical antenna instead of a complete circle? For example if your
vertical is near a property line. I vaguely remember reading that the
azimuth pattern would no longer be omni-directional and there would be
a change in the elevation of the main lobe. But my memory is hazy and I
can't find anything on the web.

It will have some effect, but less than you might think. I put up a
vertical on one side of my yard, and put in a set of radials that were
as long as I could get them in every direction. Some of them aren't
perfectly radial either, there is the occasional bend in some of them.

It's one of those things that if possible, they should be arranged in a
perfect radial pattern all around the antenna. But as Hams, we don't
always have the chance to have things perfect.

I would say that if you could get some short radials down in the
deficient direction it would be best, but if not, put it up anyway and
have some fun.

- 73 de Mike KB3EIA -