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Old November 21st 07, 02:59 PM posted to
Steve Calvin Steve Calvin is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Nov 2007
Posts: 8
Default GMRS Watts v Distance?

Michael Black wrote:
Steve Calvin ) writes:
Sorry if this isn't the right group to ask this, if not and
someone know of a more appropriate group I'd appreciate a

GMRS, FRS, CB and whatever are not amateur radio.

It amazes me that people can't grasp that, and continue to
post such questions here.

Doing a decent search on the newsgroups would find appropriate
newsgroups. Clearly you didn't, since you found this one
and not the proper ones.

Doing a decent search would have found the same question asked,
and answered, many times before. Chances are really good if
you "chose" this newsgroup because you found discussion of
GMRS in old posts here, the very posts that made you think
the question was "on topic" was the same question, and if you'd
just looked at the replies you would have had the answer without
adding yet another off-topic question to the newsgroup.

Michael VE2BVW

Well, EXCUSE ME Mr. High and Mighty Ham Operator.... woooooo
I'm just shaking here!

For your information asshole, I've been involved with
computers for the last 34 years and use DOS, WindoZe, AIX,
Unix, Solaris, HP, and pretty much any flavor of Linux you
can think of.

Searches are subjective and if you don't happen to enter the
right arguments you ain't gonna get the right answer. Shoot me.

I sincerely choke apologize for monopolizing your valuable

To all of the other reasonable and helpful replies I
received, I thank you all very much.

Mr. Black can kiss my ass