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Old December 25th 07, 08:15 PM posted to
Cecil Moore[_2_] Cecil Moore[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,521
Default Standing morphing to travelling waves. was r.r.a.a WARNING!!!

Yuri Blanarovich wrote:
So far we knew that it is a standing wave circuit. Now Cecil tells me that
it automatically becomes traveling wave in/through the coil? Wasaaap?
Christmas miracle?

No, that's not what I said. What I said is the voltage and
current in a standing wave are *always* 90 degrees out of
phase and it is impossible to generate heat when the voltage
and current are 90 degrees out of phase. Just as soon as
heat is detected, we know the cosine of the angle between the
voltage and current is 1.0 which tells us it is a traveling
wave, not a standing wave.

As long as the phase angle between the voltage and current
remains at 90 degrees, it is a standing wave, by definition,
and heat cannot be extracted. If heat is extracted, it no
longer meets the definition of a standing wave.
73, Cecil