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Old November 8th 03, 01:56 AM
Art Unwin KB9MZ
Posts: n/a

Has a radio station lost income because advertisers
are not having their messages heard by some listeners?
Have any radio stations complained of interference
of any sort ?

These people count much more than anybody because
they have money which means influence.
What would really count is to vote out the present
government so that it would cost twice as much as
was originaly thought as influence costs would
have to start all over again.
On the other hand is local broadcasting on the way out
together with ham radio? We appear to know everything that counts
so that with mystery gone so will curiousity. Our monthly magazine
is not eagerly awaited anymore as the first portion is really of
interest to the few and the second portion is devoted to
organisational business.
Seems like a lot of hams have migrated to the internet to discuss
items of interest.
You certainly do not hear technical discussions anymore
I personaly have not been on the air for ages
other than an occasional test, and I suspect that I am not alone.
Maybe it is time to move on and give up the frequencies anyway.
Do enjoy my RADCOM tho because it talks to me, not down to me
as someone who should get an education and rise up to the
publishers level. Frankly our membership and influence is dwindling
so maybe we would regain it back if we let this scheme go ahead so we
say ' we told you so ' rather than howling into the wind.
Since most things are now discussed on the internet rather than ham
perhaps we should think more of what is best to the common interest,
perpetuating ham radio for the few old people until they die or
enlarging internet access for the many and for the future, something
that our hobby does not have.

Please throw your rocks into this basket and not at me !

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