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Old November 23rd 04, 12:56 AM
Frank Krozel
Posts: n/a

I agree the ex-owner probably ripped out the filter.
Frank KG9H
"Dick" LeadWinger wrote in message
It could be the filters. Unless an FL-52 or FL-53 455 khz filter is
installed, the radio doesn't work when switched to narrow. Take a
look at page 7-1 in the manual. It shows the various combinations of
filters, and which works when.

Dick - W6CCD

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 12:13:38 -0800, "Joel Kolstad"

I've recently acquired an Icom IC-745 and I'm unclear on how it's

to work in CW mode. It does receive in SSB and AM, so in general the
receiver appears to work. When I press the 'mode' button to get it to CW
mode, however, it's just... silent. Actually, if I turn up the audio

there is some slight noise in the background. If I turn the squelch

to) all the way up, the green 'receive' LED will go out and there's no
detectable noise coming from the speaker.

Any idea what I might be doing wrong here? I was expected that there'd
still be some hissing (background noise) coming from the radio even in CW

---Joel Kolstad