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Old June 14th 08, 12:10 AM posted to,alt.conspiracy
RHF RHF is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
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Default (OT) : 2008 Election Politics - ObamagandaŠ : Turning a Lie into The Truth -and- The Truth into a Lie

On Jun 13, 12:19 pm, Tex wrote:
On Jun 13, 2:41 am,

- Retired Half-Assed Fool wrote:

Tex - Ah how nice You gave me a 'nick-name' -tyvm-

- - Thank You for providing the "Perfect Example" of the
- - # 1 SMEAR used by the Barack Hussein Obama Jr.
- - (BHO) and his Campaign Staff and Democrat Party
- - Agents : Call Them . . . racist, Racist. RACIST !

- That is a complete lie.

Classic ObamagandaŠ Spin The Truth -nad- Call It a Lie
-wrt- That Is A Complete Lie !

ObamagandaŠ : Obama + Propaganda = ObamagandaŠ

(OT) : 2008 Election Politics - ObamagandaŠ :
Turning a Lie into The Truth -and- The Truth into a Lie

- The Obama campaign has made a concentrated effort

Obama Presents Ass : Tex goes kiss, Kiss. KISS !

We Love You Obama
We Adore You Obama
We Worship You Obama
More Obama Cool-Aid Anyone . . .

- to avoid portraying him as the "black candidate".

So then Why does Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (BHO)
Disrespect his 'white' Ancestors time and time again ? ? ?

- Perhaps if you would rely on sources other than
- Fox news you would know that.

Ah the old Blame It On {The Evil} FOX News arguement.

- The only candidate who played the "ism" card was
- Hillary Clinton who obsessively whined about "sexism"
- throughout her campaign.

Sexism -is- Real -as-is- Racism

Condi Rice could do a lot as the VP on a John "Smiley"
McCain Presidential Ticket to Address both Sexism and
Racism in the USA as John "Smiley" McCain's Special
Ambassador to the American People on these two Issues.

Barack Hussein Obama Jr. (BHO) also could do a service
to the American People by putting a Women on His US
Presidential Ticket to Heal the Democrat Party of the
'schism' between African-Americans and Feminist that His
and Hillary "Rotten" Clinton's candidatacies have cause.
[ That is Any Body -but- Hillary ]

- Mccain is starting to play the "ageism" card.

As in : That's and 'old' Lie
-ps- Another ObamagandaŠ

- One would think that voters

Tex - The Citizens of the USA {America} Who Vote :
Can Clearly Think For Themselves
-and- Do Not Need You To Think For Them.
[ Tell Them How To Vote. ]

- even old retired government parasites -

Tex - It so 'nice' that you can look down your Classic
Elitist Long Nose at you fellow American Citizens and
disparage them.

- would have plenty of time to keep abreast
- of such nuances.

Tex - Ah the Exalted {Elitist} Man's Nuance :
Is just the 'nuisance' of Over-Thinking a Subject
to the Average Joe {Common-Sense Folks}

My Joe Says - I Know What I Know -cause- I Feel It's So !
-aka- Freedom of Thought -vice- Being Told What To Think
-by- An Elitist Like Yourself.

Tex - It all comes down to : One Man One Vote :
No Elitist Need Tell Me How To Vote The Right Way
-cause- The Elitist Knows What's Best For Me
and All The Simple Minded People.

- But therein lies the problem, simple minds
- can't grasp such nuances.

Tex - There You Go Again -with-the-
"Simple Minds" Elitist Crap-o-la.

- Therefore they must think in terms of "black or white"
- "right or left" "liberal or conservative".

Tex - Often "The Extremes" -define- The Issue(s) and thus
allow for 'the-area-between' to be explored for understanding
and compromise.

-fwiw- You as an Elitist may see 'it' as Black-or-White
[Either / Or]
-while- Most of us common-sense folks see 'it' as
Black-and-White [Both Together].

- simple terms for simple minds = simple conclusions
- that are usually simply wrong.

Tex written like a True Elitist : Simple Conclusions are
'usually' what most people {your Fellow American
Citizens} call "Common Sense".

tex - it's been enjoyable playing with you today ~ RHF