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Old July 29th 08, 05:13 PM posted to,
Dave[_19_] Dave[_19_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2008
Posts: 7
Default Does reactance of dipole depend on diameter ??

Jim Lux wrote:
Dave wrote:
Roy Lewallen wrote:

Since you clearly know more about this stuff than me, do you know of
the best freely available software for this which works under Unix? (I
use Sun's Solaris for 99% of the things I do, including sending this
message. I use Solaris on my laptop too, rather than Windows).

Hence I'm almost certainly looking for source code in either C, C++ or
Fortran. Anything that works under Linux would almost certainly be
able to be compiled for Solaris without too much effort.

FORTRAN would be the language of choice (since that's what NEC was
written *and validated* in.. one would be concerned about a C
translation, although I'm sure there are C versions out there which have
been validated)

Good point.

It then tries to link with the 'blas', 'atlas' and 'lapack_atlas'
libraries, none of which my Sun has.

There should be versions out there that don't link with the matrix math

The Sun library 'libsunperf' has all the functions of blas, atlas and
lapack_atlas (well at least alls those used by NEC). I simply needed to
link against that one library, rather than the other 3, and I soon had a
n executable. I've not used it yet, as I have more pressing things to do.

That sun library should be highly optimised for the UltraSPARC
processors in my workstation.

Anyway, if you have any recommendations for the best freely available
Unix/Linux code, I would be interested.

What you've got is probably as good as anything else, especially if
you're just looking for a table of Z vs length and diameter.

Thank you for that.