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Old August 13th 08, 07:37 PM posted to
KA6SCO KA6SCO is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2008
Posts: 15
Default CB Radio Operating

"The Dude!" wrote in message
If you were so concerned about the language, why did you repeat it here,
where children could read it?

Because it's not "in the public" here and not illegal. No one agreed not

use foul language in order to post here. By using the CB radio

one is impliciting agreeing to the FCC rules of use.

If I was at a public venue, such as a game at a city park, I would call a
person on the use of foul language. However, if I was in a bar & grill

someone is at the bar drinking and swearing, I'd leave it alone. It's a
matter of appropriate places and contexts. The CB radio services in

the appropriate place or context. Besides, it constitutes illegal use.

It seems that common decency isn't very common any more.

It most certainly is "in the public" as you put it, when you post it here.
I will agree that it is not illegal to use it here or against any rules, but
you have made quite a few comments regarding "decency", to which you say it
is not on the cb bands. Yet here, you feel that "decency" doesn't apply, why
not? It should apply any where you are, even the "bar & grill". If you are
going to preach decency and complain about it, then you must practice it
across the board, not only to where "you" think it should be applied. If you
don't like what people are saying at that "Bar & Grill", go to another. If
you don't like what people are talking about at a particular park, go to a
different part of the park or leave. Saying just because it's against the
rules on cb and it's indecent, it shouldn't be said there, but perfectly ok
to swear anywhere else, as long as it's to "your" standards, that
Honestly, if you were very concerned hearing that over the cb
radio, you would be equally adamant about not perpetuating it in public or
in type.