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Old September 6th 08, 02:21 PM posted to
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 41
Default (OT) : Typical Two Face Liberal Democrat Racist Rhetoric "WhiteTrash Hillbilly"

On Sep 5, 3:16*pm, RHF wrote:
On Sep 5, 12:42*pm, wrote:

What is perplexing, however, are unnecessary lies. Silly falsehoods,
said for no apparent reason, on topics that the world would have
totally avoided had you not lied about it in the first place. One
strange Sarah Palin falsehood, which she acclaimed as truth yesterday
and the campaign reaffirmed tonight in video was that she successfully
auctioned a private jet she deemed unnecessary for the State of Alaska
to maintain on eBay. It's a strange falsehood because, in the first
place, really, who cares? Moreover, it's bizarre because eBay founder
Meg Whitman works for the McCain campaign! She's right there! In the
building! And surely she can explain to Palin that she is getting that
weird bit of biography wrong.

Via Radar, the facts are these:

After going unsold for months, the jet was put into the hands of Turbo
North Aviation, an Anchorage aircraft broker, which put an asking
price of $2.45 million on the nearly $2.7 million jet. It quickly sold
to Alaska businessman Larry Reynolds for $2.1 million ($31,000 of
which went to Turbo Aviation). Today the Westwind II jet spends its
days ushering wealthy hunters around Alaska and Russia


So why on earth would Palin lie about this, knowing that it would
bring scrutiny to this story, and knowing that the scrutiny would
reveal that a) the auction wasn't successful, b) she lost the State of
Alaska's money on the deal, and c) the state's valuable resource had
basically become a luxury for wealthy elites? I have no idea! But
whatever! It's definitely not the worst lie she's ever told.

Typical Two Face Liberal Democrat Racist Rhetoric

FireBottle you wrote:

"White Trash Wasilla Hillbilly lies again and again, and again....."

Why Do African-Americans Hate 'white people' so much
and preach 'hate for white people' in their Churches.

FireBottle to show just how Racist this statement is just
change two words and maybe you will understand your
Bigotry, Bias and Racism.
"BLACK Trash Wasilla GHETTO lies again and again, and again....."

FireBottle - Maybe now you see and understand the
inherent Racism of your statement.

racism is racism be it black or white ~ RHF

Having lived in Anchorage for several years, that term is used by
locals. The Wasilla Valley residents are referred to by others as
"Valley Trash." She is white, so where is the racism, Roy?

You just keep sitting on that hill cut and pasting links like the
brain fried idiot you are.

Get a life and actually step outside and see a different world than
the one you live in.