Thread: hf shielding
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Old October 1st 08, 03:28 AM posted to
Rollie Rollie is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 53
Default hf shielding

You would be adding a nice lightning attractor (not lightning rod) with the
grounded copper sheet which if the right conditions occured would also set
your house/apartment building on fire...... According to the ham exam the
intference is their problem. Maybe you could use some ferrite loops/beads
on your power leads to see if you could stop it.
Maybe not theanswer, but it's one way to look at it.

"ml" wrote in message

i have a general shielding question i realize that overall it
might be a impractical thing to build but looking at it i wonder...

ontop of my roof is elevator room it's about 20x20

flat roof

lets suppose the motor controller throws out 1.7 to 30mhz at
s9+ (all over)

lets say i take a single 20x20 sheet of copper put it on the top
roof (assume i could ground it if need be)

lets say before i put the copper i measured s9

what shielding if any might i see "S" wise??

i understand interference would still be radiating form the rest
of the unshielded structure but wondering if measuring ontop of the
copper sheeting id' observe any attenuation?? meaning would the
signal penatrate that copper? -- and if so around how
much??(alot/very little)
