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Old August 8th 03, 03:03 PM
Watson A.Name - 'Watt Sun'
Posts: n/a

In article , richard.p.henry@saic

"Tom Sevart" wrote in message

"WB3FUP (Mike Hall)" wrote in message
10KV to fire magnetron in counter battery radar. Took six marines to

me from burying my screw driver in the chest of the asshole that thought

would be cute to push the radiate button.

I remember hearing the story of an Air Force tech working on a 30' radar
dish. For some dumb reason, someone energized it and promptly microwaved
him to death.

Some of these stories are hair rasing... and I'm too much of a weenie to
stick my tongue on a 9V battery...

A Raytheon corporate legend is that one of the engineers discovered the
microwave oven principle when a radar melted a chocolate bar in his shirt

When I was in the army at Ft. Monmouth, NJ, we trained on a radar
trainer, had a klystron that put out 1W to the horn on the top of the
unit. We could put our finger over the horn and feel it get mildly
warm from the RF.

Big deal. The Real Thing put our 5 megawatts!

@@F@r@o@m@@O@r@a@n@g@e@@C@o@u@n@t@y@,@@C@a@l@,@@w@ h@e@r@e@@
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