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Old October 23rd 08, 07:26 PM posted to
JB[_3_] JB[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Apr 2008
Posts: 543
Default How can this be? Amplifier for sale

I agree, and feel a lot of anger about it. When we have laws, the laws
to be enforced lest it send a message that says no laws are important,
making matters worse. But it still is not a ham problem.

Oh, no, it's not a ham problem at all. It's MUCH worse than just that.

And the discount stores selling touch lamps that flagrantly violate
Part 15 emission regulations are EVEN WORSE.

Then there are laws that are stupid, but no one can vote them down because
they sound too good to be true. These are the laws that everyone breaks but
rats each other out on until it cripples production to the extent that we
are forced to import!