Thread: CFRX - 6070
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Old October 26th 08, 12:55 AM posted to
Uppy Downy Uppy Downy is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Oct 2008
Posts: 9
Default (OT CFRX - 6070

On Sat, 25 Oct 2008 15:06:48 -0500, "Brian Oakley"

Why dont you make YOUR country the savior of the world?

Hahahahaha....the only time the USA is involved in anything is if that
country is floating on oil. How many 100,000 of thousands of people
have you let die in Africa because there is NOTHING in it for you.

Don't kid yourselves, Yanks, we all know how two faced you are.
Your economy and your standard of living are tanking. You'll be down
to 2 car makers if you're ****ing lucky. China owns TRILLIONS of your
debt and could bring your country to it's knee if it wanted to.

You're living a very old dream....just keep telling yourself "We are
the greatest". Guess what? You WERE the aren't
anymore. Most of the world is laugh at you behind your backs.