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Old July 22nd 03, 06:11 AM
Reg Edwards
Posts: n/a

Reg Edwards wrote:
It is only necessary that the load presented to the transmitter should

be a
pure (or near enough) resistance of the required value. Which is usually


My SGC-500 amp says it will handle an SWR of 6:1 just fine.
If that is true, it means it will handle any impedance on
or inside a 6:1 circle on a 50 ohm Smith Chart. The great
majority of those impedances are not resistive.
73, Cecil, W5DXP


Dear Talking SGC-500,

Why do think I took the precaution of qualifying my statement with "or near
enough" ?

By the way, you would be most unhappy if your Tuned-tank or Pi-tank output
circuit didn't present your plate(s) with a near-enough purely resistive
load of the correct value. And would you mind asking your slave driver to
stop cheating with the aid of his 19th Century Smith Chart, please.
Reg, G4FGQ