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Old January 16th 09, 02:36 PM posted to
Ian Jackson[_2_] Ian Jackson[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Nov 2007
Posts: 568
Default Are hams terrorists?

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VR2HF K7DAN writes
On Jan 16, 10:27*am, RHF wrote:
On Jan 15, 3:51*pm, wrote:

On Jan 15, 5:50 pm, "SC Dxing" wrote:

wrote in message


Who, but in hell is going to name their kid "Lucifer" or even
Ramakrishna Lakshminaramayanan.

Someone named their kid Adolf Hitler and it was all over the news.

The only place you can find this bogus story is on Usenet.

Oh, not just usenet. What's funny is so many people have responded to the
false story, including yourself and now sad to say, myself. We both just
rewarded the poster by responding to it.

- Not necessary, I did not respond to the story,
- I responded to Radioguy's post,
- reporting a blatant troll story.
- 73 DL

"Troll Story" - war and peace on the internet ~ RHF

Gee, the date on that story was April 1, 2008. Could that be a clue?

I'm sure that everyone DID realise what the date was, and were simply
going along with the joke to see how many more of the gullible could be
drawn in before the myth imploded. However, these days, you can never
REALLY be sure that these things aren't in fact true.