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Old May 22nd 09, 01:01 AM posted to
David Eduardo[_4_] David Eduardo[_4_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2007
Posts: 1,817
Default (OT) Earthquake in LA--5.0

"dxAce" wrote in message

David Eduardo wrote:

"dxAce" wrote in message

It was fun. It wasn't my last pirate. I even had one in Portland on AM
year later. Cat and mouse with Uncle Charlie.. it's the American way.

Congrats! You've actually owned more radio stations than 'Eduardo' ever

I have never owned an illegal, law-breaking pirate station. I have owned
bunch of legal, licensed AM and FM stations... even one commercial SW
license I chose to surrender.


I just recently gave you the name of a person of enormous recognition and
integrity... the past chairperson of the Pulitzer Prize board and a 30-year
member of the Interamerican Press Association, publisher of a significant
newspaper in Kansas: Edward Seaton.

Until you contact him and ask if I owned radio stations in Ecuador in the
period between 1964 and 1970, you can shut up.

Edward and I were friends while he was in Ecuador on a Fulbright Scholarship
grant he received after graduating from Harvard. He's been in my stations,
heard them on the air and knows about them. What better proof could you want
than someone of such a prominent public profile?