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Old June 9th 09, 02:27 AM posted to
SX-25 SX-25 is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Aug 2008
Posts: 53
Default OT What TV Shows Do You Watch?

Since they took TV away from us Americans our TV viewing consists of very
occasional favorites from an ample VHS and DVD library that we've thankfully
put together. Quite honestly, none of us miss anything on TV. Maybe the
boneheads in that industry should have spoke up when the bureaucrats came up
with such a moronic idea as converting the whole country to an unnecessary
and digital system that is technically full of flaws (and friends who have
it say it is fact one just sold his digital converters at his
garage sale and decided to quit TV cold turkey). These morons and their
advertisers cut off their noses to spite their faces by creating yet one
more reason to send viewers elsewhere. We've also discovered a whole lot of
new aspects of a social life and personal interests and hobbies that were
being robbed when TV was life without TV has made our lives a
lot better. Our favorite program? The raster. We do more enjoyable things
