Thread: Hating Palin
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Old July 13th 09, 05:41 AM posted to,,alt.religion.christian,alt.politics.economics
John Barnard John Barnard is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 602
Default Hating Palin

No ObaMao wrote:
On Jul 10, 7:33 pm, "Ayn't Rand"
Is this the same guy who parks his Cadillac in front of the welfare office
while he collects his check, or is this the guy who left Canada so he could
get heart surgery in Houston?

FACT: There are more MRI machines in the Minneapolis metro area than
in all of Socialist Canada.

I doubt that Minneapolis would have over 150 MRI's; that would be a huge
waste of MRI's. But you enjoy being a pathological liar, don't you?

If you can't provide a cite, it's as phony as when Palin's political
opponents claim she stated that she could see Russia from her house.

What? You don't have a mouse and a brain? "Ayn't Rand" that's fer