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Old December 1st 09, 12:41 AM posted to
BDK[_6_] BDK[_6_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 683
Default Right Wing Shock Jock Paid to Incite Hate Groups by FBI

In article ,
Military Hardware Movements Into California! Video

LOL, it's a clip of Canadian military vehicles being transported across
Canada. Why does that upset/interest you anyway? Notice how they edited
it before you can get a good look at the locomotive? That seems to be a
common thing done to videos by some people for reasons readily apparent.
It almost never, ever works. Too many people have too good a memory for
it to fly. And the people trying to pass it off for something it's not
are too dumb.

Besides, there are military vehicles on trains all the time. Means
nothing. I've seem trains of tanks and stuff dozens and dozens of times
over the years. I might have even taken a couple pics. This time of
year, it happens a lot, since the fall is prime wargames season.

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Former number one Kook Magnet, title passed to Iarnrod.