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Old April 25th 10, 01:35 PM posted to
Gregg Gregg is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2009
Posts: 635
Default Best AM Radio for Talk Radio ?

On Apr 25, 8:31*am, Gregg wrote:
On Apr 25, 9:14*am, dave wrote:

Gregg wrote:
On Apr 24, 11:55 am, *wrote:
Am looking for the best choice of a portable AM radio, to be used mainly to
listen to talk radio, both local and national stations.

Audio sound quality and decent tuner are a must. * Inclusion of a shortwave
band would be nice, but not a requirement. *I do want digital tuning, and
station presets.

Have had a CC Crane radio for five years, and getting *a bit tired of it.
Good sound, but quality control is awful, and digital readout is flaky.

thanks !!


This should be fun to watch:-)

I like radios with continuously variable tuning, or at least ones with 1
kHz or better resolution, so I can off-tune slightly for better
intelligibility or interference mitigation.- Hide quoted text -

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IMHO - a real good radio for the BCB or listening to talk radio should
be a radio that is strictly AM. I know - I know there are some
extremely good receivers that have the SW and FM with the AM but in
most cases there are taking 'something' away to have all three modes.
The only radio I would buy that had the AM and FM for talk radio would
be one of the SR or if you can find a GE P-780 on Ebay, grab it. I
can't count how many hundreds of hours where I have the GE on and
listening to the Reds games or talk radio, it's fabulous for that.
Just my take.ducking beer bottles- Hide quoted text -

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Oops - you say no analog and want presets, forget about my post then.
Let us know what you decided but you may want to reconsider it "having
to be" digital with presets, what's the big deal about turning the
knob and having to have stations preset? I never understood that,
especially for the BCB.