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Old April 26th 10, 06:02 AM posted to
Gregg Gregg is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2009
Posts: 635
Default Best AM Radio for Talk Radio ?

On Apr 25, 10:01*am, sctvguy1 wrote:
Gregg wrote:
IMHO - a real good radio for the BCB or listening to talk radio should
be a radio that is strictly AM. I know - I know there are some
extremely good receivers that have the SW and FM with the AM but in
most cases there are taking 'something' away to have all three modes.
The only radio I would buy that had the AM and FM for talk radio would
be one of the SR or if you can find a GE P-780 on Ebay, grab it. I
can't count how many hundreds of hours where I have the GE on and
listening to the Reds games or talk radio, it's fabulous for that.
Just my take.ducking beer bottles

My GE SRIII, bought from Ace Hardware is very good, but the tuning is so
damn touchy! *I listen at night to WPHT, great evening talk shows. *I am in
S. Florida, so use a Select-Tenna to weed out the Cubans who seem to infest
every channel.
Also use a CCrane with the "twin ferrite" antenna, and several restored
boatanchors, which are really the best for BCBDX!

I'm going to make a point sometime this week to see if the Ace around
here has the SR and maybe pick one up. Sometimes it's hard for me to
get past the way these radios are put together. I remember when I was
going to pu the RS that touted that piece as a "long distance" radio.
The knobs and switches were loose and there was just no heft to the
piece for its size. There's no way that particular radio would have
held up to all the hours I would have used it IMO.