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Old May 17th 10, 07:09 PM posted to
Geoffrey S. Mendelson[_2_] Geoffrey S. Mendelson[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Nov 2009
Posts: 115
Default Good reasonable cost bedside SW receiver?

I used to keep up on radio tech but haven't for years.

What is a good reasonable cost bedside receiver for SW
use and maybe even ham, digital, etc?

Prefer a sleep timer as I like to get into bed and
listen to radio with sleep timer on.... but the local
AM/FM programming is crap!

I don't think there is such a thing anymore. Depending upon where you
are, you can find several decent beside radios, but unless you have very
specific things to listen to, and those things are the BBC, China (PRC) and
a few others, you are never going to get the good clear signals to fall asleep

You will have to tune around, change freqeuncies and put up with noise
interference and fading (even with a sync detector).

All of which make SWL'ing fun, but could never make me fall asleep.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel
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