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Old August 31st 10, 12:39 AM posted to
Art Unwin Art Unwin is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2008
Posts: 1,339
Default Recognition of the Aether presence or not

On Aug 30, 6:06*pm, Cecil Moore wrote:
On Aug 30, 5:22*pm, Art Unwin wrote:

Since you are so familiar with the concept why not start from Earth
with a progression until you get to Aether. I don't think you will get
to your favorite "dark matter" For that matter explain what a "medium"
is in physics terms.

Art, you don't seem to understand that there is a quantum base medium
to which some other medium may or may not be added. The base medium
exists throughout all of universal space and is the only medium that
exists in otherwise empty space. Any other added medium, e.g. air or
water, is just mixed with that base medium. Please stop thinking with
a concrete brain.
73, Cecil,

Concrete brain ! What are you referring to ?
Frankly I just do not understand your response.