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Old August 31st 10, 12:52 AM posted to
dxAce dxAce is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jun 2006
Posts: 7,243
Default Phd Bryant, Who Dropped a Dime to Your ISP...?

Mike wrote:

On Aug 30, 5:15 pm, kop wrote:
On Aug 30, 9:23 am, Mike wrote:

On Aug 30, 2:19 am, kop wrote:

On Aug 29, 8:08 pm, "Just Plain Burr" wrote:



***MWB has shown his true colors here on RRS and what a buffoon he
truely is...dxAce has it nailed...ClownTard!...The twit can't even
form a correct sentence; must be all that dope he's been smoking!

Hey, He uses his real name!!!

***LOL Burris...MWB has been a blowhard and bully on this MB far too
long...Looks like whomever dropped the dime doesn't like the professor
all that much...And with grammer like that who could blame anyone for
not wanting to send their kids off to Sullivan...ClownTard!

By the way, moron, it's "grammar", noy "grammer". Pretty
ironic. Are you on drugs?- Hide quoted text -

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***No Ph.d I don't make fun of the grammar police but you obviously
do!...The Trolls only make fun of people claiming to be something
they're not, i.e Tourist Policeman Steve Kombat Kramer, Chaing
Mai..."noy grammer", Bwahahaha...Professor...? has hit
the perverbial nail squarely on the head, ClownTard Fits!- Hide quoted text -

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You are definitely Gregg. So, you're now going
under the screenname of Kop. Interesting. And
the word is "proverbial," not "perverbial," you pervert.
I am a college professor. Even Lare knows that by
insulting my school in virtually everyone one of his
posts. And Gregg, you have consistently earned the
title of "clown tard." Steve is just a bitter, old alcoholic
that only gets respect for the one thing in his sad life -
shortwave radio. Hell, I even respect him for that. But
nobody, not even the trolls, respect you. You are the
most pitiful of the pitiful.

I'd say get a life, but it's probably too late for you.

Hey, clown 'tard, the one thing that certainly comes out of your diatribe is your
apparent hatred of the shortwave hobby.

Why am I not surprised?