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Old August 31st 10, 02:36 PM posted to
Art Unwin Art Unwin is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2008
Posts: 1,339
Default Recognition of the Aether presence or not

On Aug 31, 6:50*am, Cecil Moore wrote:
On Aug 30, 6:39*pm, Art Unwin wrote:

Frankly I just do not understand your response.

Outside of the space-volume of the universe, there is no structure.
Inside the space-volume of the universe, there is an invisible quantum
structure everywhere. You live and function within that structure
without being aware of it. That quantum structure may or may not
contain visible matter/energy which can modify the electromagnetic
characteristics of the medium, but does NOT replace the quantum
structure as you appear to think. The quantum structure is the
container of everything that exists. Nothing exists outside of the
container (unless there are more unconnected containers somewhere

Air, water, or earth does not displace the quantum structure but
gravity can warp it, e.g. black holes. Everything that exists in our
universe is contained within the invisible quantum structure which
appears to consist of dark matter interacting with dark energy. It is
believed that the pressure of the dark energy is overwhelming gravity
and is causing the expansion of the universe.
73, Cecil,

Cecil as I stated before a electron can travel thru
two mediums OR along the path between the two mediums. The presence of
surface wave of propagation points to another medium whether it be
between Earth and the atmosphere OR the atmosphere is a medium itself.
It is because of this
electron travel along the surface of Earth that scientists come to the
conclusion that the atmosphere is a medium which they name.
This is not accepted by mainstream but to be fair mainstream has not
named or explained the medium that allowed for over the surface
electron travel.
From my point of view the "missing" medium is a carpet of free
electrons that are bound in a skin as seen on surface tension on water
and it is this skin
or carpet upon Earth is the medium that explains the surface travel of
electrons, a missing medium that satisfies both sides of the puzzle.