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Old September 22nd 10, 02:37 AM posted to
Alex Clayton[_3_] Alex Clayton[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Sep 2010
Posts: 5
Default got the old scanner

"bpuharic" wrote in message
got an old pro 2050 scanner on ebay for $40. trunk scanner and, with
the help of the group here (thanks alex clayton and john szalay), set
it up in about 2 minutes...working great...1st trunk scanner...thank
goodness the county is cheap and hasnt upgraded its system

i run with the local ambulance crew so like to keep an eye on the
folks when i'm not on duty

Glad it worked, and you may well be safe for a while then. The system is not
that old and was most likely quite expensive when they bought it. The
problems with the frequencies let out to Nextel showed up in time that many
places already knew about it when they set up a Mot. 800. that was why we
never had to reband here and so your area may also not have to.
There are of course always sales guys trying to push something new, but
with the economy the way it is many places are not willing to tell the
voters they want to buy some new toy (system) when the old one still works
Inside every older person is a younger person wondering, 'What the hell